Community Agreement

Agreements help to establish the foundation of the coaching relationship, between the coach and client, coach and group, and individual group members within the group, in order for everyone to get the most from their experience. We commit to a high level of standards and expectations by valuing ourselves, other participants, and the group's journey as individuals and together. Please support the success of this program by honoring these guidelines and the group session norms in your role as participant: 

1. Take responsibility for your own experience and be mindful of your overall well-being and personal needs while participating in the program. Make the most of any breaks built into sessions to tend to yourself in order to support your attendance and participation.

2. Respect confidentiality and the experience of others. Let others have their own experience, and commit to confidentiality regarding the personal experiences of participants. Sharing about others’ personal and private information outside of the group and/or without permission is prohibited.

3. Mindfully be here and nowhere else during your coaching session and experience. Respect intentional quiet time for independent reflection and inner work, while also practicing deep and intentional listening while others share their experience.

4. Commit to attending each of the sessions. Be present and punctual, so we can begin promptly at our scheduled time. Recordings will be available for your personal review during the program. IfJessica or Jackie must cancel a session for any personal reason, a make-up session will be provided at a later time determined by them.

5. Use conscious communication. Use "I" statements to speak responsibly for your own feelings, thoughts, words, and actions during your coaching experience. Raise awareness of how you speak to yourself and others. You’re invited to begin shifting your thoughts, words, and actions to respond to your feelings from a place of love and empowerment.

6. Tolerate differences of opinion and alternate modes of expression. Commit to treating the coach and members within the group in safe and non-judgmental interactions in order to cultivate a welcoming and diverse group experience.

7. Be curious. Be open and willing to face challenges and opportunities that may arise. Give yourself grace and allow yourself to notice when you want to stretch your limits and create shifts.

8. Silence cell phones and use them only if an emergency arises. Be fully present in mind, body, and spirit. Do not record sessions or take pictures of others without prior consent.

9. The use of alcohol and recreational drugs are not permitted during sessions. Your coaches commits to being sober and fully present and request the same of you for each session.

Prepare to receive gifts of clarity, peace, transformation, growth, comfort, and connection. Let yourself experience the lightbulbs, and inner shifts, and share your perspective and insights mindfully and in an appropriate manner. If you feel distracted, resistant, uncomfortable, negative, afraid, sad, mad, or a desire to leave the session, you may be on the verge of a breakthrough or powerful inner shift.

The role of The Journey to Here LLC is to serve participants by guiding the group towards program goals. We are ready to help you create an experience to find clarity within you, support you during inner shifts, and celebrate you as you level up your life.

The Journey to Here LLC and its staff may not be trained mental health or medical professionals. This program is not intended to substitute medical, psychological, or drug-treatment therapy. If you need such attention, seek a licensed professional. You are solely responsible for monitoring your own welfare and seeking help when needed.

You understand that Jessica Madenford and Jackie Scully of The Journey to Here LLC are a mandated reporter. Client confidentiality will be maintained to protect each client’s privacy with the exception of the following:
- If the client may be an immediate danger to themselves or others.
- If the client is endangering a population that cannot protect itself, such as the case of a child or elder abuse.
- As required by federal or state laws.